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Invest School Funding in Sanitizing Solutions
Schools are receiving billions of dollars that can be used towards COVID-safe operation and pandemic response. PowerUp's UVC Charging Carts are a great investment to keep schools safe.
25.03.21 01:57 PM - Comment(s)
Elevate Guest Experience with UVC Charging Lockers
During the moments that matter most, people rely on their phones to be safe, clean, and charged. UVC Lockers are a great way to help event guests sanitize and charge their phones.
16.03.21 04:17 PM - Comment(s)
Enjoy Outdoor Events With Solar Charging Tables
As more events are held outdoors, PowerUp's Solar Powered Charging Tables can help bring charging outside.
26.02.21 06:56 PM - Comment(s)
Don't Let Mobile Computers Mobilize Germs, Too

In hospitals and long-term care facilities, doctors and nurses travel between rooms with mobile computers while they make their rounds. These computers are an essential part of their job, where they can track patient records, vitals and other important information. As healthcare employees encounter ...

09.02.21 06:49 PM - Comment(s)
Covering Our Bases: COVID-19 Safety This Upcoming MLB Season
This upcoming MLB season, device sanitization can be an important component of COVID-19 safety protocols to keep players, coaches and operational staff safe.
28.01.21 03:30 PM - Comment(s)
