Blog categorized as Uncategorized

Connected to Contactless: Why We Rely On Our Phones More Than Ever Before
We need our phones to be accessible and charged at all times. If they aren’t, we might lose the ability to communicate, to stay informed, and sometimes even to enjoy the experience to its full potential.
17.06.21 08:07 PM - Comment(s)
4 Reasons Why Charging Lockers Are Perfect For Retailers
By boosting ROI, improving customer retention, and much more, cell phone charging lockers make the perfect solution for retail.
24.05.21 11:19 PM - Comment(s)
Make A Powerful Impression with Power Up
Power Up’s branded charging towers and other branded charging products are a great way to create a memorable experience for potential customers.
19.05.21 09:06 PM - Comment(s)
The Real Cost of Sanitizing Wipes and How UVC Can Help
Sanitizing wipes are bad for the environment and expensive. UVC Charging Carts are a great alternative for schools and other organizations.
27.04.21 05:24 PM - Comment(s)
UVC Charging Can Keep First Responders Prepared and Safe
For first responders, quick communication could be the difference between life and death. Find out how UVC charging and sanitizing can help!
20.04.21 05:03 PM - Comment(s)
